[Garrettmc 5.0 news]                  

Garrettmc 5.0 Updates: It’s been a year….


Hello everyone, we are sorry about not providing an update for the past year. In that time, I have also been busy with other stuff, making development for the server much slower. The good news is that the wait is almost over, and we are releasing it at the end of the month.

Dev updates:

         Development has been going mostly to planned and we were able to do most of what we set out to do with this update. We had struggles along the way that we were able to work out. While most of the stuff went smoothly, we couldn’t get the build battle server fully functional. We were also not able to get the in-game shop functional. We are planning to add more content and fix the above-mentioned things in a future update

Notable changes:  

         Despite us not being able to add some of the content we set out to we were still able to improve upon many things. We completely redesigned and fixed bugs in our permissions system. We also did design fixes and updates to our in-lobby game selectors. We did a ton of bug fixes to our different servers and fixed instabilities. You can now earn in game money from more servers, and it syncs across the network (this will be useful when we add shops.) We added a new lobby for our bedwars and oneblock servers. We did an expansion in our murder mystery lobby.

|Garrettmc 5.0 News| 9/8/23: Hello everyone we are happy to announce that we have released sneak peeks at our new 5.0 updates we hope you like the new revamped lobbies.  Click here for more 5.0 updates

|Garrettmc 5.0 News| 9/2/23: Hello everyone we are starting development toward the server we planned on adding or revamping, we are also finishing the last of the lobby redesigns.  We will be releasing sneak peaks of all the lobby updates next week. 

|Garrettmc 5.0 News| 8/17/23: Hello everyone we are sorry for the lack of updates we have been slow on development until recently. We are working on small details such as polishing up our lobbies and making small quality improvements. We have put our full focus towards development and we are planning to release around the new year. 

|Garrettmc 5.0 News|  7/2/23: We are starting to work on the new lobby for the bedwars server overhaul

|Garrettmc 5.0 News| 6/19/23 @ 11:35 MDT: We have stared work on our 4 top picks for popularity. The top 4 are: 1. Build Battle 2. Hide and seek (improving on our already existing game) 3. Hunger games 4. Bedwears (improving upon our already existing games.